Bondora API

How to start using the API

To start using API you must first have a working user account in Bondora website. If you don't have a user account, please go to Bondora and register as a new Bondora user.

Steps to start using Bondora API as a API developer

  1. Register as Bondora user
  2. Login to API environment
  3. Create a application for API at applications create page
  4. Fill all the required fields for the application and submit the details
  5. Get access token for API authentication (see the Authorization section for details) and Testing OAuth 2.0 for help.

Testing the Bondora API

For quick start using the API, you can use Postman API testing and development suite. You can import all Bondora API endpoints to Postman by using the Swagger format at

Testing OAuth 2.0 Authorization

To test the OAuth authorization, you can use the Google OAuth 2.0 Playground. In OAuth 2.0 configuration, choose Custom for "OAuth endpoints" and Authorization header w/ Bearer prefix for "Access token location". Fill other fields (Client ID and Client secret) with according values from your API Application. Insert scopes (BidsRead BidsEdit Investments SmBuy SmSell) to "Input your own scopes" field and press "Authorize APIs".